Building Services
TWO MS engineering staff are qualified, accredited and certified to provide comprehensive, environmentally sustainable advice to support your project, including C11 (Building Services Engineering-Energy) accreditaion. Our services include the issuing of reports to support your compliance for constructed energy management components of building works - including Section J Reports/Energy Efficiency, NABERS and CBD assessments. This includes the compliance assessment of the energy efficiency of mechanical services.
Committed to environmentally sustainable design, our engineers can assist you with Section J of the National Construction Code 2022 and former versions. Our assessments assist our clients by providing recommendations to assist with adjustment of materials and services selected and to highlight the achievements and short falls of the energy efficiency requirements for Class 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 non-residential commercial buildings.
The Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program is administered by the Australian Federal Government, which supports the energy efficiency disclosures which accompany the lease/sale of commercial office spaces of 1000 square metres or more.
NABERS assessments utilise a 6-star scaling system to rate buildings in relation to their impact on the environment, the higher the score, the more efficient and healthy the building. With increasing urbanisation, the Federal Government of Australia estimates that buildings use 40% of the world’s energy, emit 40% of the world’s carbon emissions and use 20% of the world’s available drinking water. The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) is utilised to measure a building's energy efficiency, carbon emissions, waste produced and water consumed. Six star buildings may attract higher rentals and the security of Government offices as tenants. The team at TWO MS were one of the first consultancies in Australia to have a building assessed as a six star, which was queried and then validated through the scrutiny of an independent audit.